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  • Writer's pictureJoanne Martin

Fat loss myths that need to die...

My main focus nowadays is to help women become fitter, stronger and healthier no matter what age and stage of life - but I'm obviously not against folk who want to lose a bit of fat as part of their journey - it's all very individual.

When it comes to losing weight, there are a lot of myths out there that can make it difficult to know what to believe. Here are some of the most common fat loss myths:

  1. Myth: You have to cut out all carbs to lose weight. Fact: Carbs are not the enemy! Far from it! In fact, they are an important source of energy for your body. The key is to choose more healthful carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and to watch your portion sizes.

  2. Myth: You should avoid all fat. Fact: Your body needs fat to function properly, and not all fats are created equal. Healthy fats like those found in nuts, seeds, and avocados can actually help you lose weight and improve your health. (Note - Avocados are not sinful)

  3. Myth: You can spot-reduce fat or 'stubborn areas'. Fact: Unfortunately, you can't choose where your body loses fat from. Doing targeted exercises like crunches won't necessarily result in a flatter stomach. The best way to lose fat is to focus on overall weight loss through a healthy diet and exercise.

  4. Myth: You have to eat small, frequent meals to lose weight. Fact: While eating smaller, more frequent meals can help some people control their hunger, it's not necessary for weight loss. The most important thing is to eat a healthy, balanced diet that high in nutrients. It also very much depends on what works FOR YOU.

  5. Myth: You have to do cardio to lose weight. Fact: While cardio can be a great way to burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health, it's not the only way to lose weight. Strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can also be effective for weight loss and improving overall fitness. Though in my view training, whether that be strength or cardio should be used to increase your fitness, and help you become healthier and stronger. The last thing we should be doing is checking calories burned to see how that compares with our intake.

There you have it, 5 myths debunked for you.

Share with someone you think may benefit reading this - or get in touch to see how I can help you if this is something you struggle with.

Jo x

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